
We have a number of wonderful volunteers who quietly work behind the scenes to ensure that all is beautifully prepared for – and cleaned up after - each Mass: the bread and wine, the cups and plates, the candles, the liturgical books, the cloths, sound, and lighting.  Sometimes these people are not available for various reasons, so trained subs are very much appreciated also.  If you 'hear the call' to this ministry please complete a Sacristan Ministry Application, available on the Hospitality table in the lobby, and leave it at the Front Desk for our Head Sacristan, Christine Dalton.

Paulist Come & See Vocations Retreat 10/6-8/17

Are you wondering where God is calling you?  Are you feeling that sense you were made for more and need guidance fulfilling that sense?  Do you love Christ, love the Church, love God's people, love having a purpose?  Maybe God might be calling you to a religious life or service to the Church.  If you are male and single and have a inner desire to be about and sharing Good News, possibly the Paulist Fathers may be part of your calling. 

One way to explore this is by finding out who we Paulists are and learning some skills and insights on how to listen.  Consider attending our Paulist Come & See Vocations Retreat on October 6-8, 2017 at the Paulist House of Mission and Studies in Washington, DC.

For details, please contact Paulist Fr. Dat Tran at 917-830-5537 or
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Paulist Diaconate Ordinations

Paulist Diaconate Ordinations - Praise be to God for the ordinations Saturday, Sept. 4th of Paulist seminarians Ryan Casey and Michael Hennessy as transitional deacons during a Mass in the crypt church of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C.

Welcome Students and New Parishioners

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As we transition to a new academic year, welcome all who are moving into or returning to Berkeley.  We hope that Newman Hall – Holy Spirit Parish will be your spiritual home during your time at Berkeley

Striving to be faithful to our patrons Blessed John Henry Newman and the Holy Spirit, we endeavor to be a community that recognizes and employs the wonderful power of God’s gift of our intellect and reasoning skills, while humbly knowing we need God’s grace and love.  This is a place for questioning, exploring, stumbling, and discovering together the mystery of God’s creation and ways, and our role in the world.  We also endeavor to live the fire of the Holy Spirit, to be a community that loves and serves, co-workers in building the Kingdom the Heaven, a kingdom of peace and justice.

If you are a college student, this is wonderful time in your life to grow in maturity and personal identity.  Make sure not only to focus on academic growth, but also on growth of the full person – spiritual, emotional, relational, physical, as well as academic.  Though college will try to take up all your time, make sure to seek balance.  The ways of society have a tendency to want to rob our soul and spirit.

We have a wonderful Student Ministry Team and FOCUS Missionary Team who are planning lots of great activities for the year.  We also have numerous other student and parish groups and activities for students alone and students and permanent parishioners together.  Don’t forget to call on any of the staff members if you have questions or concerns or you just want to chat.  We also need your gifts and leadership skills, so please step up and get involved. 

This is also our parish’s 50th year in our current building, where we strive to make faith concrete.  We’ll be having a community celebration on Saturday, Sept. 30th.  All are invited.

God bless you and may we all have a great new beginning…

~ Fr. Ivan, Pastor

Please keep Robert Paylor in your prayers

With great sadness, CAL rugby player and Newman parishioner, Robert Paylor, suffered a spinal injury at CAL's rugby national championship game.  His injury paralyzed his lower body with limited motion in his arms.  With an uncertain future and a long and difficult journey ahead for Robert, we send him our prayers.


"I have been driven many times upon my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had no where else to go. My own wisdom and that of all about me seemed insufficient for that day." - Abraham Lincoln

"Our prayers may be awkward. Our attempts may be feeble. But since the power of prayer is in the one who hears it and not in the one who says it, our prayers do make a difference." - Max Lucado

Prayer for Robert

You invite all who are burdened to come to you.  We thank You for being with Robert through thick and thin, in the best of times and in the most challenging of times. You are our rock, our fortress, our everything. You never forsake us.  With You, we discover complete serenity.

Allow Your healing Hand to touch Robert. Touch his soul with Your compassion; touch his heart with Your courage and infinite Love for all; and touch his mind with Your Wisdom.

Most loving Heart of Jesus, bring health in Robert's body and spirit that he may serve You with all his strength. In Your mercy, gently heal this precious life which you have created, now and forever.

Bishop Barber promotes comprehensive immigration reform

We have a Catholic duty to have a preferential option for the poor and one of the greatest poor today are refugees and those fleeing oppression to seek safety and shelter and a decent living.  Our local ordinary, Bishop Michael Barber, SJ,  is a strong supporter of comprehensive immigration reform for our country so we can better live up to our Christian values.  And in this age of fear of the outsider, he reminds us we are all brothers and sisters with the Blessed Virgin Mary as our protectress and mother.  He has asked our diocesan parishes and offices to do what we can to protect our most vulnerable brothers and sisters at this time.  Please read the attach article to learn about some of the things he is promoting to address this most important issue.

Every once in a while, you can catch our bishop at People's Park with JC Orton and his volunteers (many of them are Newman parishioners) serving breakfast early Sunday morning.  He is truly walking in the footsteps of his Jesuit brother, Pope Francis.